A Guest for Dinner
Food seems to bring people together. Most people can think of at least one moment in their lives where they have felt a connection with friends, family or colleagues due to a meal. That’s why I love to cook. Not only do I get to bond over mutual enjoyment of a dish, I also get the pride of creating it for my guests. I love putting in the effort to make something delectable, but that feeling pales in comparison to seeing that look on their face. That look that conveys one simple expression. Damn, that’s good. It was always a victory that was always welcome, and that only happened with either loved ones, people I want to impress, work associates or people who I have lost touch with. The guest tonight fell in the last category. “Hey Tommy! How'sh it coming in there? Need a hand?” I hear the voice of Geoffrey Boucher coming from the other room. I can hear the slight slur in his speech, which means he is really enjoying the drink I made for him...