
Showing posts from January, 2020

Stuck at a Hospital Experiment

Greetings Readers! So if you have been following along for the last couple of months, you would have noticed the series I created.  I want to thank everyone for reading and participating in it. To fully clarify, to the disillusionment of some, it was fiction.  I wanted to channel my personal experiences into a piece of writing and this is what came of it. The purpose of this experiment was to get reader participation to help my avatar escape.  Like I hoped for, there was a lot of interaction and it helped drive the plot in a great way. If you have asked yourself what's next for this story and the character; don't worry, I have a plan.  My goal was to expand the story and turn it into a manuscript, which I have recently completed.  I need to edit it and such, but I want to try and get it published.  If that happens, then I fully intend on writing a sequel to this.  It would be more traditional and more of a mystery, but I do have some ideas. I just want...

Always Face Away From Elevator Doors

I'm a firm believer that quirks and ticks are meant to help make life equal and fair for everyone.  People who seem to have life figured out or for who everything comes easy, they might make grunting noises when they eat or they might have a disdain for popular trends.  Everyone has a quirk that they are aware of, and I believe it grounds them.  Prevents them from believing that they are perfect. For those of us who life doesn't come easy to, quirks and ticks can make life hell.  Battling anxiety, depression and social awkwardness can make life hard enough as it is.  But you add a strange habit on top of that and you feel that is all people see when they see you, even though most people pay no mind to you. Here is the thing, there is a commonality between both groups that many forget; these quirks can be coming mechanisms.  That person you've seen in the local coffee shop who is always looking around, keeping an eye on the exits and on everyone who e...