Our Goal

“All you need for a movie is a girl and a gun”

That quote is often attributed to famous French filmmaker and critic Jean Luc-Godard. It’s sentiment is simple - you don’t need a grand idea or million-dollar budget to tell a good story. Instead, all you need is conflict. Why does this girl have a gun? Who is she going to use it on? What coaxed those actions leading up to this point? Storytellers are tasked with answering those questions, and questions are often what drives any good story.

We here at Creative Corner found ourselves in a similar conflict. Not with a girl and a gun, mind you, but with our own journey into storytelling. This site was born out of conflict - to want to create but not being able to fully express that creativity to its fullest potential. Though we have inspiration and talent, we find it difficult to engage with creativity in the way we really hope to.

We’re sure many other “creatives” in this world feel the same way, and because of that, Creative Corner isn’t just a place where we’re going to be posting our own works, but something that we hope will inspire and encourage others to keep fighting the good fight. To keep telling stories and to keep pursuing their dreams.

And though Godard’s original quote applied to film, we wholeheartedly believe stories come in all shapes and sizes. Across all media and throughout all representations of creativity. All you need to tell stories, then, is a girl and a gun.

An idea and a question, and, ultimately, the drive to want to answer that question.

-Creative Corner


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